Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Eagles make Fantastic Music...YEAH!

Fine. Fine. You're fine. That is the soul talkin'...cause when you listen to The Eagles, all is right with the world. This lovely Saturday I listened to two specially magnificent favorites of mine....'Life in the Fast Lane' and the great one...'Take it Easy.' What truly right on and so fantastic music! The sound of the mighty Eagles is so WONDERFUL!


  1. Wow! Lots os great memories with the music of these guys.

  2. Lots of good memories with The Eagles. I apologize...said os great memories in the other comment. Have not had enogh coffee, today. Ha, Ha.


Nice Writing

THE GOOD terse writing of Ernest Hemingway is a real joy.  He does not use too many adjectives.  His 'Torrents' is a fine tome.