Sunday, August 27, 2017

Our U.S. Culture Needs Changing

OUR AMERICAN CULTURE desperately needs a change.  This edgy, harsh and very cynical dry rot should go away fast.  The hearts of all citizens need to focus on the Texas people now.  Let's have gigantic kindness toward the citizens of South Texas especially.  Also, I am sickened by the gross and crappy bigotry in our country now.  Listen all....Banish Racism.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Mean Culture Happening

NOW MEAN CULTURE going on.  I am hellishly sickened by the hate and the mean, raw happenings popping constantly among us.  Why can't we go back to kind understanding.  Go with soothing music of Chopin not the vile sounds of roughhouse Mr. Stravinsky.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Happy Ideas Keep Me Going Beautifully

HAPPY feels like my favorite mood at this time in my life.  I appreciate good scenes of nature.  I know  why Henry David Thoreau loved fine lovely things.  I find the clear thoughts of Albert Camus and Jean Luc Godard so grand.  I am thrilled I am alive.

Nice Writing

THE GOOD terse writing of Ernest Hemingway is a real joy.  He does not use too many adjectives.  His 'Torrents' is a fine tome.