Saturday, July 21, 2018

The Weather Modes

IT IS GOOD WEATHER now.  I am so glad.  A big thunderstorm happened early today.  This culture denizen me was shook.  I am better now.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Mozart: Bassoon Concerto (complete) in B-flat major K 191, Aligi Voltan ...

Mel Torme...The Genius

SCAT SINGING is such a joy.  I listed to the exuberant scat singing of Mel Torme recently.  It was refreshing, indeed.  Music puts so much fine energy into yours truly.

Wonderful Kind People

THINGS ARE PERFECT:  Lately I have had so many people being so marvelously kind to me.  I must say this has been grand as one of my aunts used to say.  It is thrilling when goodness surrounds a person.  I have become quite enthused so I find myself listening to the lilting music of Frederic Chopin again.  And it all truly makes my life so vigorous and yes so superbly wonderful.

Nice Writing

THE GOOD terse writing of Ernest Hemingway is a real joy.  He does not use too many adjectives.  His 'Torrents' is a fine tome.